Restorative Dental Treatments for Complete Oral Care
Restorative dentistry is really restoring the dentition to what it should be. This can be done through simple fillings, where the tooth is destroyed by decay or trauma, or more complex treatments such as crowns, onlays, and implants. We can discuss a treatment plan that is right for you if we need to help restore any teeth that are decayed, chipped, cracked, discoloured or missing.

When you come to our dental clinic, we can diagnose any issues you may have during a routine visit with visual, mechanical and radiographic techniques to analyze the surfaces of your teeth. Many restorative treatments are minimally invasive and can be done in a single appointment.
We can discuss the option that best enhances the effectiveness of your treatment and what you should expect during the procedure, as well as any sedation you may want to maximize your comfort.
No matter the condition, there is a restorative measure that can be used to treat it. Talk to us if you need help restoring your smile.